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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Carson City Region 140

Fall 24' Region 140 Tournament

Fall 2024-25 Region 140 Tournament!
Monday, Oct 7th - Saturday, Oct 12th

Best of Luck to All Our Teams!  

Our Carson City AYSO Region 140 Fall 2024 Season is coming to a close! Our Region will host a Championship Tournament to complete the 24-25 Fall Soccer Season. 

Boys 10u and 12U, Girls 10 and 12U, and the Coed 14U division will each play in a single-elimination tournament beginning October 7th.  In order to progress after winning, the winning team will need to ensure that it will be able to supply a trained and certified Referee, and a trained and certified Head Coach.  Our region will do our best to supply certified referees where needed, but it is ultimately the team (and the parents') responsibility to volunteer to help the kids play!  If you have questions on these requirements, please reach out as soon as possible to [email protected].  

10U Boys Tournament

Round 1
Match 1: gnomes vs fireballs Monday 5:45pm, Field 6
Match 2: pinkachu vs bearded mambas Monday 5:45pm, Field 7N
Match 3: golden lions vs black panther Monday 5:45pm, Field 3
Match 4: redwood warriors vs legends Monday 5:45pm, Field 7S
silver vipers and sky bisons get a bye for this round. 

Round 2

Match 5: silver vipers vs Winner of Match 2 Wednesday 5:45pm, Field 7N
Match 6: sky bisons vs Winner of Match 4 Wednesday 5:45, Field 7S
Winner of Match 1 and Winner of Match 3 get a bye for this round. 

Round 3
Match 7: TBD 9:30am, Field 7N
Match 8: TBD 9:30am, Field 7S
Match 9:  TBD 12:30, Field 7S

10U Girls Tournament

Round 1
Match 1: cheetahs vs the rubys Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 6
Match 2: wolf pack vs nightmares Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 7N
Match 3: mighty tigers vs snownadoes Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 3 
Match 4: shamrocks vs avengers Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 7S


Round 2
Match 5: TBD 8:30am, Field 7N
Match 6: TBD 8:30am, Field 7S
Match 7: TBD 11:30am, Field 7N


Round 1:
Match 1: dragons vs royal ravens Monday 5:45pm Field 4
Match 2: mountain lions vs quicksilver Tuesday 5:45 Field 9
star burst super stars gets a bye for this round.

Round 2:

Match 3: star burst super stars vs winner of Match 1 Wednesday 5:45 Field 4

Match 4: TBD Field 9 

12U Boys Tournament

Round 1:
Match 1: mazy vs wolf pack Monday 5:45pm, Field 9
Match 2: yellow thunder bird vs jimenez Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 4 
voltage and great grapes get a bye for this round. 

Round 2:

Match 3: Winner of Match 1 vs voltage Wednesday 5:45, Field 9
Match 4: Winner of Match 2 vs great grapes Thursday 5:45, Field 4

Match 5: TBD Field 9

14U Co-ED Tournament

Round 1:
Match 1: shaw vs carper Monday 5:45pm, Field 5 
Match 2: griffith vs izazaga Tuesday 5:45pm, Field 5
gomez and bass get a bye for this round.

Round 2:
Match 3: Winner of Match 1 vs bass Wednesday 5:45pm, Field 5
Match 4: Winner of Match 2 vs gomez Thursday 5:45, Field 5

Winner of Match 3 vs Winner of Match 4: TBD Field 5

North Sails
Minden, NV

Hunt Propane
Minden, NV

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AYSO Carson City, NV Region 140

PO Box 512 
Carson City, Nevada 89702

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